Stamp Out Childhood Cancer
As of January 2020, the USPS Office of Stamp Services has officially accepted The #Americanchildhoodcancerorganization (#ACCO) application for the childhood cancer semipostal stamp. The next step towards finalizing the USPS approval is demonstrating America’s support for this stamp from those who share our passion for our nation’s children diagnosed with cancer.
1. You can support this effort by clicking here and signing your name to a formatted letter that ACCO will print and deliver.
2. Alternatively, you can write your own letter and mail it directly to the following address:
Office of Stamp Services
Attn: Semipostal Discretionary Program
475 L’Enfant Plaza SW, Room 3300
Washington, DC 20260-3501
3. Letters can also be emailed to for ACCO to print and deliver.
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