Children are our Future, Their Voices Count, Let them Lead the way!
“I want every child to have a chance to live.”
I had the pleasure of meeting with 6th graders at two elementary schools that belong to a club to help children with cancer. They are a true inspiration, so giving and are eager at a young age to give back. They understand the need for philanthropy. As the mother of a child lost to cancer they gave me great hope, inspiration, joy and deep motivation to continue my efforts to save the lives of children with cancer.
I greatly thank all of you and your group leaders. Parents you should be so proud of the values you have instilled in your children.
I asked them to tell me what it meant to them to help children with cancer. This is what they said:
“I want to help kids with cancer because I care.
I think kids with cancer have the right to live just like me.
I love the feeling of helping someone.
I want kids with cancer to have the same life I do.
I want to make a difference.
I want to help kids who are not as fortunate as me.
I think everyone should have the chance to live a normal life and be able to do everything that other children do.
I feel with our effort and teamwork we can save lives.
If I had cancer I would want help.
I am so fortunate to have what I have. I want to give back.
I like helping people.
I am fortunate enough to be healthy and I want kids with cancer to know that we care.”
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